The word 'burger' has become more than the typical beef patty. Today steak, salmon, tuna, and other cuts of meat are considered under the same name as long as they fall between two buns. However, this isn't a bad thing as great things can come from such burgers. Inspired by a sale at the grocery store, this burger is made with fantastic tuna steaks!
For a piece of fish as thick as this, aggressive seasoning and flavors are needed to ensure that every bite is delicious. This tuna steak was marinated in salt, black pepper, and
Pastamore Meyer Lemon Oil. The tuna was also topped with a grilled mango slice and wasabi mayonnaise. This burger is delicious and leaves some room for your own specific taste.
Ingredients: Servings: 3-4
1 lb - Tuna (3-4 steaks)
3-4 - buns (toasted)
1 - mango - sliced (skin and core removed)
4 Tbsp - mayonnaise
1 Tbsp - wasabi powder or paste
2 oz -
Pastamore Meyer Lemon Oil
To taste - salt and pepper
To taste - chili powder
1. In a plastic bag or a large glass pan combine the tuna steaks,
Pastamore Meyer Lemon Oil, and season with salt and pepper. Ensure that the meat is completely covered in the marinade. While the tuna is marinating, turn the grill on to medium-high/high heat. Allow the tuna to sit for 10-15 minutes while the grill warms up and is cleaned.
2. Using a peeler or a knife remove the skin from the mango. Cut the mango into slices making sure to discard the fibrous core. Set the mango to the side as it will be grilled when the tuna goes on the grill.
3. In a bowl combine the mayonnaise and wasabi powder/paste. I am recommending to add 1 Tbsp, but it will truly depend on how hot you want the mayonnaise and how strong the powder or paste is. Even after adding the wasabi powder to the mayonnaise I added some chili powder to increase the heat. The mayonnaise had a good amount of wasabi flavor, but lacked the heat that I was looking for. Slowly add the wasabi and chili powder to the mayonnaise as it is easy to add more if needed, but difficult to fix the flavor if too much is added.
4. Place the tuna steaks on the hot grill. Depending on how hot the grill is, the tuna should cook for around 3-4 minutes per side. The recommended temperature for a tuna steak is 145
°F, but it is up to your preference as to how done you would like it. If the meat is cooked for too long it will ruin the burger as it will turn the lovely tuna steak into a big hunk of dry meat. While the steaks are cooking place the buns and the mango slices on the grill. Cook the mango until it has nice grill lines on the flesh, and cook the buns until they are toasted.
5. Pull the tuna steaks off of the grill and place onto the bottom half of the bun. On top of the tuna burger place the grilled mango slice, and then top with the wasabi mayonniase. Finally, top with top half of the toasted bun.
This burger is delicious as the recipe is written, but there is still room to experiment with some greens to top the burger. Mixed greens dressed in
Pastamore Meyer Lemon Oil, or even an acidic coleslaw would be a great touch. Enjoy, experiment, and savor this delicious burger before grilling season is over!