Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Jack-O-Lantern

 Tips and Tricks for the perfect Jack-O-Lantern are in order because, it's that time of year!!  The traditional "pumpkin carving challenge" is on.  Turning that pumpkin into a stellar Jack-O-Lantern, collecting and then roasting the seeds is not always an easy task......hopefully,  these tips will help you! 

When my kids were little we had so much fun carving and roasting the seeds, but it made quite a mess.  And we were a little disappointed that the candles never seemed to burn bright enough for our wonderful "carved faces" to show up in the dark night.

Recently, I visited a pumpkin patch with my grand kids, and they each got a pumpkin of their own.  Squealing with excitement and joy, my youngest grandchild asked if we could roast the seeds in the "roasted" oil...it's her favorite!!  Her older cousin barked out, "No, mines going to be roasted with balsamic...thats my favorite!!  Well, we had to make a compromise, why not use both?

Obviously, these kids are no strangers to Pastamore flavors, and they all have their favorites that they love to eat at Grandma's house.  I may have over stepped some boundaries here, but each child gets to carve their own Jack-O-Lantern, prepare and roast their own seeds....at their parents home.  And with that said, we have included some Tips & Tricks for that perfect "Jack-O-Lantern" that will burn bright on a dark night....this Halloween.

Ingredients for Roasting Seeds:
1 Med-Large Pumpkin
4 T. Pastamore Roasted Garlic Balsamic Dipping Oil
To Taste - salt and pepper
3 T. Pastamore Worcestershire Sauce
1 T. Roasted Garlic Grape seed oil

Tools for Carving the Jack O Lantern:
Water Based Marker(s)
Plastic Underneath Pumpkin (to catch insides)
Large Bowl - Medium Bowl, colander
Cookie Sheet (Parchment paper lined is recommended but not necessary)
Gloves - optional (separating the seeds can be a slimy process for some)
Xacto Knife, Potato Peeler, Serrated Knife
Stickers, Finger Paint, Washable Markers (younger kids)
Large Spoon

TIPS for carving the perfect JACK O LANTERN:
1.)  Draw your design with a Water Based Marker, it's easy to erase with a sponge.
2.)  Draw your top lid to be an odd shape, so you know exactly how to replace it for a tight fit.
3.) Cut a hole in the back of your lid and on the bottom of the back of your pumpkin to allow air to circulate through.  This will insure that your candle will burn bright due to good air flow.
4.) Use an Xacto Knife for details, Potato peeler for small circles and curves.
5.) If you accidentally cut a section, use toothpicks to "pin" back in place.
6.) Sprinkle the bottom of the lid with cinnamon, nutmeg, or cloves for an air freshening effect.
7.) ALWAYs use ADULT SUPERVISION when carving the Jack-O-Lantern.
8.) For younger children give them markers, stickers, finger paint to decorate.

"Collecting the Seeds"
After you have carved out the top "Lid" use a spoon to scoop out the insides of the pumpkin and set in large bowl.  Squish the pulp to remove as many seeds as you can and place into the medium bowl.  Fill with cold water and let soak 15 minutes.  Drain into a colander and rinse well, keeping mind to pull out any remaining pulp from the seeds.  Return "clean" seeds back into the bowl.

"Roasting the seeds"
1.)  In smaller bowl, mix together the Roasted Garlic with Balsamic Vinegar and the Worcestershire Sauce.  Mix until well blended.
2.)  Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 
3.)  Pour the mixture into the bowl containing the seeds.  Stir thoroughly.
4.)  Place on a parchment lined cookie sheet and spread out well.  Bake for 4-5 minutes, or until golden brown.
5.)  Season with salt and pepper.  Let cool and enjoy.  Can keep in a sealed container in a cool place for up to 4 days.

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