Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bacon, Cheddar Cheese, and Jalapeno Oil Biscuits

When it comes to food, bacon is not a hard sell. It is delicious, flavorful, and is a staple of the American breakfast. For this recipe, it seemed only fitting to combine bacon with two other fantastic flavors, cheddar cheese and Pastamore Fresh Jalapeno Oil. After making these biscuits a few times, I can say that the Pastamore Fresh Jalapeno Oil gives an amazing flavor that is both distinct and mildly spicy. These surely are more work than opening up a can of prepared biscuits, but those who eat them will definitely appreciate your hard work.

2 Cups - All purpose flour
7 Tbsp - Butter
1 Tbsp - Baking powder
1 tsp - Sugar
1/2 tsp - Cream of tartar
2/3 Cup - Milk
3/4 Cup - Shredded Cheddar Cheese
2 Tbsp -
Pastamore Fresh Jalapeno Oil
6 Strips - Bacon (for vegetarian version substitute 8 strips soy bacon)

1. Cook bacon or bacon substitute as directed by instructions. (This is best done the night before so that the bacon is cool when added to the dough.) Chop bacon in 1/4"-1/2" pieces.

2. Preheat the oven to 450
° F. Combine the flour, baking powder, sugar, cream of tartar, cheese, bacon, butter, and 1 tsp. Pastamore Fresh Jalapeno Oil in a medium mixing bowl. Use a potato masher or a pastry blade to cut the butter into the mix until it looks like large crumbs. Make a well in the center of the mixture and add the milk. Lightly mix until a dough like consistency is reached.

3. Place the dough on a lightly floured work-surface and mix the dough. Do not over mix, the dough will only need to be kneaded 10-15 times to become fully incorporated. Roll or push the dough into a 1/2" thickness, and create a square shape. Using a knife, cut the biscuits into scone shaped pieces (approximately 2-3 inches wide and cut into triangles).

4. Place the biscuits on a baking sheet, brush the top of the biscuits with the remaining
Pastamore Fresh Jalapeno Oil, and cook for 10-13 minutes. Biscuits should be golden brown on top and resist being pushed down.

Keep the dough as cold as possible when mixing, as it will help with a light and flaky texture when the biscuits are completed. While these biscuits may not be the healthiest thing to ever come out of your kitchen they surely will be delicious.

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