Friday, March 4, 2011

Giving Back

When it comes down to it, very few of us are made of time and money. However, there are times when it is important to think of others that do not have the luxuries that we all do. Some may not know where their next meal is coming from, where they will sleep at night, or how they can afford the pending bills. With our fast paced, stressful lives, we often forget that we really don't have things so bad.

In October of last year, I began volunteering at an organization in Denver called Project Angel Heart. The goal of Project Angel Heart is to provide food and meals for those with life-threatening illnesses (HIV, AIDS, cancer, renal disease, etc.). With the help of a knowledgeable and caring staff, Chef John Emanuel creates daily meals for approximately 800 people per day. The food is cooked, prepared, and packaged on site, and the frozen meals are sent once a week to those in need. Project Angel Heart has been operating in Denver for 20 years, and has touched the lives of countless individuals. The joy and satisfaction that I receive volunteering there is priceless, and has been a wonderful experience.

Sacrificing watching a few hours of television or any other meaningless task is an easy thing to do. While a few hours may not seem like it will make an impact, that is completely false. Even volunteering for a few hours per month can help those who are truly in need. I recommend finding something that you are passionate about and finding an organization that caters to what interests you. If you are interested in food and cooking, look into local food banks or kitchens. If you are worried about going on your own, many organizations are more than happy to accept the help of you and your friends (maybe then you could even carpool).

Many of these organizations also are glad to take donations. This may be a tough economic time for many, but even giving a little can help. So whether it be a little time or a little money, it is time to help those who are in need of the basic things that we all take for granted. Although the holidays and the natural time of giving has passed, there is no reason to not go out and volunteer your time.

Project Angel Heart can be reached at or by phone at 303-830-0202. Volunteer orientation happens every other week, and they are always looking for more volunteers.

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